The Ultimate Guide to Mini Storage Facilities

When it comes to storing your important documents, you need to make sure that they are appropriately stored. This will help you avoid cluttering your office space and save on expenses.

The first thing to consider when choosing a mini storage facility is location. Ideally, you should choose one near your home or on your daily route.


Many people are familiar with the use of storage facilities for out-of-season clothing, clunky sports equipment, or even family heirlooms that they don’t want to part with. However, artists also rely on storage units to house their creative works. Whether you’re considering buying an existing mini-storage facility or constructing your own, the location of your facility is crucial for long-term success. Make sure to do heaps of due diligence and have a detailed inspection report from a reputable contractor before making your final purchase.

Consider your target market’s demographics and migration patterns to ensure you’re building in a region with plenty of potential customers. It’s also important to remember that construction costs will depend on the size of your property and location. For example, if you build your facility on the side of a mountain, the cost of road access and grading could quickly eat into your budget.


Whether in the form of a high fence or state-of-the-art CCTV cameras, security measures are essential to thwart theft and other crimes at storage facilities. Robust security solutions on storage company Petaluma are also a great way to keep your customers safe and secure their belongings.

A well-designed gate system that requires a personal code to open is vital to any facility’s security measures. This code allows occupants to enter the main entrance, which disarms their storage units for timed access. If the occupant doesn’t return within 10 minutes, their unit automatically re-locks, ensuring the safety of their belongings.

Other essential security measures include a fenced-in facility with a gate that only opens with an assigned code or card and a much harder cylinder lock to break into. In addition, a dedicated team of on-site security staff is essential for extensive facilities open 24 hours a day.

Climate control

Depending on your region’s climate and how long your customers will store their belongings, they may need a climate-controlled unit. Climate-controlled storage spaces maintain a stable temperature year-round through circulating cooled or heated air.

Extreme hot or cold temperatures can damage items not stored in a regulated environment. Without this feature, wood can warp; fabrics can discolor or rot; electronics can melt or crack; and paper (including photographs) can wrinkle, fade, or grow mold.

However, most items can be stored safely in non-climate-controlled units if they’re adequately protected from moisture and humidity. Ensure your clients follow essential storage tips like elevating their belongings and using a dehumidifier to protect their possessions. They should also be aware of any restrictions on storing certain items in your storage facility, whether because of state or local laws or due to safety concerns. These include fur coats, fuel, perishables, toxic materials, and firearms.

Document storage

While most businesses have gone digital with their business documents, keeping hard copies in case of a disaster is still necessary. This means storing these documents in an affordable, convenient, and secure facility. 

Before placing any hard-copy documents into a storage unit, it is essential to organize them. This is done by sorting the documents into three categories: store, shred, and recycle. The documents that need to be accessed regularly should be placed near the front of the storage unit. At the same time, the documents that don’t need to be accessed frequently should be placed at the back of the storage unit.

The best way to organize business documents and files is by using a filing system that includes file organizers, binders, and storage containers. Using labels and color-coding is also beneficial as it makes it easier to locate files when needed. Scanning paper documents and files digitally is also a good idea.