What is a Sewer Smoke Test, and Why Do You Need One?

Smoke Testing is a non-invasive way to detect leaks and odor sources in the sewer system.

During the test, field crews blow air and smoke into the sanitary sewer system in the street. The smoke travels along the path of any leak or connection to the ground surface.

Smoke Testing is a Non-Invasive Method

Smoke testing is a non-invasive method of sewer inspection that is inexpensive and easy to conduct. It reveals leaks and other plumbing issues.

Raw sewage can leak through holes, cracks and other issues in sanitary sewer pipes and sewage systems. This can release methane and hydrogen sulfide gases, which can be explosive or deadly.

If you’re a homeowner, smoke testing is one of the most important things you can do to protect your home from costly and dangerous plumbing problems. It’s also an excellent way to prevent future leaks and other issues.

In addition to announcing planned sewer smoke test in advance, city officials and project teams should also educate residents about the potential dangers of sewer gas entering homes. Property owners should pour a gallon of water in fixture traps and floor drains to relieve the risk of sewer gas coming into homes from open pipes.

It Detects Leaks

Smoke testing is a non-invasive method of detecting leaks in waste and drain pipes. The test forces artificial smoke through a waste and drain pipe under pressure to find leaks or defects.

Smoke will rise from any cracks or holes with defects in the pipe. Those places can also be considered leak sites because they will allow sewer gases to escape.

Sewer gas has a bad odor and is very unhealthy for you and your family to breathe. It can contain explosive methane or deadly hydrogen sulfide gas.

In this situation, it is important to pinpoint the source of the leak and fix the issue as quickly as possible. This will prevent a costly and dangerous situation in the future!

Smoke testing can help identify broken maintenance holes, roof drains and sump pumps, uncapped lines and cracked mains and laterals. It will also show you where surface water is flowing into the system.

It Detects Sources of Odor

Smoke testing is an effective way to locate leaks and sources of sewer gas odor. This non-invasive technique reveals cracks and breaks in sewer pipes where sewer gases are likely to escape, allowing the smell to enter your home or business.

It also helps prevent sewage overflows during storms, which cost the community a lot of money. It identifies any damaged or improperly connected drain lines and spots areas where unwanted rainwater infiltrates the sewer system.

A smoke test is conducted by blowing a steady stream of artificially produced smoke into the sanitary sewer or storm system through a roof vent stack, cleanout, down-spout, or another access point. The smoke travels through the pipes and follows the path of any leak to the ground surface, quickly revealing the source of the problem.

It Detects Broken Manholes

Smoke testing is a way to identify the location of broken manholes, leaks, and other defects in the sewer system. During the test, smoke blowers force a non-toxic, white smoke through sanitary sewer lines.

If the line is in good condition, smoke will emerge from manhole lids and house vents on roofs, but if it escapes up and through the ground and not through the manholes, this indicates an issue in the sewer line.

This type of smoke can also appear around homes with foundation drains connected to the sewer, cracks in the pavement above the sewer, and disconnected or faulty plumbing fixtures.

Any location where white smoke is identified during the test, except plumbing vent stacks, is a potential break or Inflow/Infiltration source for excess water to enter the sewer system. The City will send notices to property owners in affected areas.